Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. A, Mathematical Sciences
Notice to Authors
Scope and procedures
The aim of the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, is the rapid publication of original papers in mathematical sciences. The paper should be written in English or French (preferably in English), and at most 6 pages long when published. A paper that is a résumé or an announcement (i.e. one whose details are to be published elsewhere) can also be submitted.
The paper is published promptly if once communicated by a Member of the Academy at its General Meeting, which is held monthly except in July and in August.
Manuscripts prepared in TeX are highly preferable. If the manuscript is prepared by other means, it should be double-spaced, and accompanied by complete typesetting instructions. Bold-face, italic, script, German, Greek and Russian letters, as well as mathematical symbols, should be marked clearly in accordance with the instructions. The manuscript should include
- full name
- department, institution
- full address of each author
- short abstract
- key words (up to 6)
- Mathematics Subject Classification (e.g. Primary 16G10; Secondary 16G20, 16G21)
- running title.
Each figure (if any) in the manuscript should also be printed on a separate sheet. If the details are to be published elsewhere, it should be explicitly stated in the introduction.
References should have numeric or alphanumeric labels. They should be listed in the alphabetical order (i.e. 0< ... < 9 < A < ... ) of their labels at the end of the manuscript. As for the format of the references, the current issues should be consulted.
A list of the subject classifications above, as well as the journal abbreviations for the references, can be found in the annual index of Mathematical Reviews.
The manuscript should be in final form; once "communicated'', little change will be allowed.
The class file for TeX is available in our website
Online Journal
As of May 2005, the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A has joined the Project Euclid. The issues are available at
Submission and correspondence
Manuscripts should be sent in duplicate to the Editorial Office, The Japan Academy, 7-32, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0007, Japan; the e-mail address (if available) of each author should be included. Editorial correspondence should be sent to the same address.
If the manuscript is TeX-prepared, the TeX file should not be included in the original submission; it may be sent later via e-mail or on diskette when requested by the Japan Academy.
The submitted manuscripts will not be returned.
If the manuscript is TeX-prepared, the author can electronically submit it by e-mail to the following account "PJA Ser. A"<> with its pdf or dvi file attached. The subject field of this e-mail should be “Submission to PJA” without the quotes.
The author(s) of each paper will receive a total of 50 reprints free of charge.
Subscription agent
MARUZEN-YUSHODO Co., Ltd., Export Department, 1-9-18 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan. e-mail: