The Japan Academy

Membership(Alphabetical Order)

Name Speciality Sub Section
AKIRA Shizuo Immunology 7
AMANO Hiroshi Semiconductor Electronics Engineering 5
AMARI Shun-ichi Mathematical Engineering 5
ANDO Tsuneya Physics 4
AOYAGI Masanori Art History, Classical Archaeology 1
EGASHIRA Kenjiro Commercial Law 2
ESAKI Leo Physics 4
FUJIMOTO Yukio Korean Bibliography, Korean Linguistics 1
FUJITA Masahisa Urban and Regional Economics (Spatial Economics) 3
FUJITA Tokiyasu Administrative Law 2
FUJIYOSHI Yoshinori Structural Physiology 7
FUKAO Yoshio Geophysics 4
FUKASAWA Katsumi Western History 1
FUKAYA Kenji Mathematics 4
HATTA Tatsuo Public Economics 3
HIGUCHI Yoichi Constitutional Law 2
HIGUCHI Yoshio Labour Economics 3
HIROKAWA Nobutaka Molecular Cell Biology 7
HIRONAKA Heisuke Mathematics 4
HONJO Tasuku Medical Chemistry, Molecular Immunology 7
IBI Takashi Japanese Literature 1
IIJIMA Sumio Materials Science 5
IMURA Hiroo Internal Medicine 7
INOUE Akihisa Metallic Material Science and Engineering 5
INOUYE Masahito Criminal Procedure 2
IRITANI Akira Physiology of Animal Reproduction 6
ISHII Kanji Economic History of Japan 3
ISOGAI Akira Bio-organic Chemistry 6
ITO Kunitake Philosophy 1
ITO Makoto Civil Procedure 2
IWAHARA Shinsaku Commercial Law 2
IWAI Katsuhito Economics 3
IWASAKI Shun-ichi Electronics and Communication, Magnetics 5
IYE Masanori Astronomy 4
KAJITA Takaaki Cosmic Ray Astronomy 4
KAKIZOE Tadao Urology 7
KANADE Takeo Computer Science, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence 5
KASHIWARA Masaki Mathematics 4
KATORI Hidetoshi Quantum Electronics 4
KAWAI Maki Physical Chemistry 4
KAWAMOTO Koji Comparative Literature and Culture 1
KAWATO Sadafumi Political Science, Analysis of Political Process 2
KIDA Hiroshi Veterinary Microbiology 6
KINSUI Satoshi Japanese Language and Linguistics 1
KISHIMOTO Tadamitsu Immunology 7
KITAGAWA Susumu Coodination Chemistry 4
KOBAYASHI Makoto Physics 4
KONO Motoaki Japanese Art History 1
KOYAMA Sadao Western Constitutional and Legal History 2
KUBO Masaaki Classical Philology 1
KUBOTA Jun Japanese Literature 1
KUROIWA Tsuneyoshi Biological Science 4
KUSHIRO Ikuo Petrology 4
MANO Eiji History of Central Asia 1
MANO Hiroyuki Genome Medicine, Oncology 7
MARUYAMA Toshisuke Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 6
MATSUNO Taroh Meteorology, Geophysics 4
MATSUURA Jun German Language and Literature 1
MIMAKI Katsumi Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Studies 1
MITANI Taichirō Modern Japanese Political and Diplomatic History 2
MIYAKE Ichiro Political Science, Political Behavior 2
MIYASHITA Yasushi Physiology, Systems Neuroscience 7
MIYAZONO Kohei Molecular Pathology, Oncology 7
MORI Shigefumi Mathematics 4
MURAMATSU Michio Political Science 2
NAGATA Shigekazu Molecular Biology, Biochemistry 4
NAKANISHI Junko Environmental Risk Management 5
NAKANISHI Shigetada Molecular Neuroscience 7
NAKAYAMA Nobuhiro Intellectual Property Law 2
NAMBA Seiichiro Psychology 1
NEGISHI Akira Economic Law 2
NEGISHI Takashi Economic Theory, History of Economic Thought 3
NISHIDA Atsuhiro Space Physics 4
NISHIMURA Kazuo Complexity Economics, Business Cycle Theory 3
NISHIZAWA Naoko Plant Nutrition 6
NOYORI Ryoji Organic Chemistry 5
ODA Shigeru International Law 2
OHSUMI Yoshinori Molecular Cell Biology 4
OKADA Tsuneo Building Engineering, Earthquake Engineering 5
OKUDA Masamichi Civil Law 2
ŌMURA Satoshi Natural Products Organic Chemistry 4
OSAKA Naoyuki Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science 1
OHTSUKA Eiko Nucleic Acids Chemistry 7
OTABE Tanehisa Aesthetics 1
OTSUKA Keijiro Development Economics 3
OTSUKA Masanori Pharmacology 7
SAITO Osamu Economic History, Historical Demography 3
SAKAKI Hiroyuki Semiconductor Electronics 5
SASAKI Satohiko Forest Science, Tree Physiology 6
SASAKI Takeshi Political Science, Political Theory 2
SATO Katsuhiko Astronomy 4
SATO Koji Constitutional Law 2
SATO Shoichi Western Medieval History 1
SAWA Takamitsu Econometrics, Environmental Economics 3
SEGAWA Nobuhisa Civil Law 2
SEKIYA Takao Pharmaceutical Science, Nucleic Acid Chemistry 7
SHIBA Yoshinobu Chinese History 1
SHIKATA Eishiro Plant Pathology, Virology 6
SHIMIZU Sakayu Applied Microbiology 6
SHINKAI Yoichi Economics 3
SHIOKAWA Tetsuya French Literature 1
SHIONO Hiroshi Administrative Law 2
SHIRAKAWA Hideki Polymer Science, Material Science 5
SHIRATO Hiroki Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Science and Engineering 7
SUDA Tatsuo Dentistry 7
SUGENO Kazuo Employment and Labor Law 2
SUZUKI Akira Organic Chemistry 4
SUZUKI Atsuto Physics 4
SUZUKI Keisuke Organic Synthesis 4
SUZUKI Shigetsugu Criminal Law and Procedure 2
TAIRA Asahiko Geology 4
TAKADA Yasunari English Literature, Western Classics 1
TAKEICHI Masatoshi Developmental Biology, Cell Biology 4
TAKEUCHI Kei Statistics, Econometrics 3
TAMAIZUMI Yasuo English Literature 1
TANAKA Issei Chinese Literature 1
TANAKA Koichi Mass Spectrometry 5
TANAKA Shigeaki Philosophy of Law 2
TASHIRO Kazui Japanese History 1
TATSUMI Kazuyuki Inorganic Chemistry 4
TOKURA Yoshinori Condensed Matter Physics 5
TONO Haruyuki Japanese History 1
UEDA Ryuzo Internal Medicine, Clinical Oncology, Hematology Oncology 7
WADA Eitaro Isotope Ecology, Isotope Biogeochemistry 4
WADA Koji Soil Science 6
WATANABE Hiroshi History of Japanese Political Thought 2
YAMANAKA Shinya Stem Cell Biology 7
YANAGIDA Toshio Biophysics 4
YANO Makoto International Economics, Dynamical General Equilibrium Theory 3
YASUMOTO Takeshi Fisheries Chemistry 6
YOSHIDA Kazuhiko Linguistics 1
YOSHIKAWA Hiroyuki Precision Engineering, General Design Theory 5
YOSHIKAWA Tadao Chinese History 1
YOSHINO Akira Electrochemistry 5